Thursday, May 28, 2020

The Best Job Search Tips of 2008 Group Writing Project

The Best Job Search Tips of 2008 Group Writing Project 2 If you wrote or saw one blog post in 2008 that you thought could help someone find a job more than any other blog post, which post was it? Join in! This group project has something for everyone. How to share your best job search tips from 2008 Are you a blogger? If you've already blogged in 2008 about job search tips, choose your best blog post and enter it below. If you haven't yet blogged about job search this past year, do so before the deadline and submit that post.eval Not a blogger? Choose the most useful blog post you saw (and bookmarked?) this past year â€" including anything in the JobMob archives â€" and send that in as your entry. Maybe there was a blog post that helped you? Contest rules All submitted blog posts must have been blogged in 2008. One entry per blogger only. Blog posts can be in any language, but the submitted title and description need to be in English. Recommended: add a link to this announcement post (the one you're reading right now) To submit your entry, send me the post title, permalink and a 2-3 line summary of the article via the JobMob contact form. Prizes US$200 value â€" 1 month free 125×125 pixel button advertising here on JobMob beginning January 2009 The prize winner will be chosen at random. The prize is transferable (you can give it or sell it to someone else) as long as the eventual user follows the JobMob advertising guidelines.eval If you'd like to sponsor additional prizes, tell me via the JobMob contact form. Submission Deadline End-of-day December 31st 2008 January 7th 2009, regardless of the timezone you're in. The results will appear soon afterward. Spread the word If you know of anyone that would enjoy participating in this group project, invite them along. Mention this project on Twitter and tell your Facebook friends, ok? Let's build a terrific list of job search tips we can all use. This group writing project was inspired by David Airey's 25 fantastic design articles from 2008. Good luck! Looking forward to terrific job search tips?

Monday, May 25, 2020

10 Career Advancement Strategies by Emily Bennington - VocationVillage

10 Career Advancement Strategies by Emily Bennington - VocationVillage This week I read the book, Who Says Its a Mans World: The Girls Guide To Corporate Domination, by Emily Bennington. The book offers Ms. Benningtons career advancement advice to help more women reach positions of leadership. On her website, Ms. Bennington describes herself as a career author, speaker, and space invader. Her book is a quirky career guide, jumping all over the map with insights and action planning. It is definitely not for linear thinkers. Because of her book, I checked out her blog and I LOVE the blog. Buy the book but definitely read the blog. Ms. Benningtons shorter, punchier pieces are outstanding. Heres a fabulous sample: Any Grizzlies In Your Office? Ms. Bennington starts the book by asking, What does it take for women to win at the highest levels of business? The question matters because as of 2013, women account for 4% of Fortune 500 CEOs, 6% of top earners, and 16% of board directors and corporate officers. In a search for answers, Ms. Bennington interviewed 700 executive women, interviewed super-achievers for Forbes magazine, presented at womens leadership events, and coached numerous professional women. Ms. Bennington then compiled specific strategies in the areas of self-awareness, social skills, personal effectiveness, team development, and leadership. Here are some of my favorites:1. Stop choosing a semi-manic state. Makes choices that allow you to focus rather than live in chaos. (Hint: You might have to start saying, No, to more voluntary obligations.)2. If youre an employed mother, push your childrens school to commit to dates in advance. It is not OK to tell you on Monday that the school play is on Thursday. Also, gui lt is self-induced. Lose the guilt.3. You get to choose what story you tell yourself and if the story you are currently using is stressing you out, change the story.4. Focus 30% on goals and 70% on virtues. For example, here is a list of virtues compiled by Benjamin Franklin: temperance, silence, order, resolution, frugality, industry, sincerity, justice, moderation, cleanliness, tranquility, chastity, and humility. Ms. Bennington uses a similar list and the book includes instructions on how to personalize your own list.5. Practice sadhana. Sadhana is a Sanskrit word that means dedicated, daily action employed to reach a specific goal.6. Two tips about email: (1) Ignoring emails is rude, and (2) Dont use email to settle disagreements. If conflict is involved, talk face-to-face. (For employees who telecommute, this must mean Skype or the telephone).7. Dont be petty and think because you worked two hours past 5 pm one day, you should come to work at 10:30 am the next day.8. Make caree r advancement a priority. Schedule time to lead an internal committee, publish an article in your field, improve a process or system, make your LinkedIn profile 100% complete, and/or read industry newsletters and publications (including the ones read by your clients or customers).9. Get to know your team. Ask them questions like, Would you rather work with data, people, products, or ideas? How do you see yourself best contributing to the team? What really bugs you about this place? The book includes 100 coaching questions from which to chose.10. Be a magnificent woman first to have a magnificent career (not the other way around). You can be a leader and wield influence even before you have a specific title. Ms. Bennington says that the single best way to do this is to be someone who inspires others to connect with their own power. Over time, you will garner influence because others will view you as someone who will help them win.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

So exams are finishing and its time to start thinking about what is next! University of Manchester Careers Blog

So exams are finishing and its time to start thinking about what is next! University of Manchester Careers Blog So what is next for you, do you feel under pressure to make that decision what will I do with the rest of my life? Dont fret and dont worry in this day and age the first job you do after university at graduate level does not dictate what you will do for the rest of your life. Many people change careers at different points in their lives. The one thing I would say is when you do get your first job pay attention to what you like and what you dont like, this will make the next career move simpler.Knowing what works for you and what doesnt is important as these are the areas you can look at in the next role. Does the next job have more of what you like than what you dont like. We talk about self awareness in the careers service and this can be daunting for some student and others may think it is a waste of their time. For some this may in fact be true but how are you going to know that a particular company or job is right for you if you dont know who you are, what skills you have, what values you have, and most importantly what motivates you. These things are important especially if you want to change career in the future, for instance if you are changing from accounting to marketing you need to understand what transferable skills do I have. What have I done during my time as an accountant that would be useful in marketing. If I were interviewing you for a marketing role this is one of the questions I would ask you. So how do you go about understanding you values, motivations and skills? There are a number of things you can do including seeing a career consultant. If this is not for you then the University of Manchester Careers Service website has a number of online tools you can use to help you identify what motivates you and what you skills may be. You can find more advice , tips and tools on What else can I do? Well you can join your graduate networks on LinkedIn and connect with other alumni of the university as well as current students to build your connections for your career. Remember if someone cant help you now because they are still studying that doesnt mean in 5 years they cant open doors for you. So join our online LinkedIn networks: The African Manchester Graduate Network The Pakistan Manchester Graduate Network India Manchester Graduate Network The China Manchester Graduate Network The International Graduate Network ( for those of you who do not want to join the other region specific groups. But if this piece of advice is not enough to put you at ease come and talk to us at the The University of Manchester Careers Service and we can help you look at your options. We are located on the 1st floor of University Place in the Atrium or you can ring to make an appointment +44 (0)161 275 2828 by phone or Skype. No matter where you are in the world whether you are due to graduated or you graduated within the last 2 years we can still help you.Remember it is never too late to have a chat with us and we are here all Summer. All Graduate Graduate jobs International careers Graduate jobs international students job hunting

Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Future of Employer Branding [STUDY]

The Future of Employer Branding [STUDY] What does the future hold for employer branding? Our friends at Universum recently gathered its resources to survey over 2,000 HR professionals and CEOs around the globe to get their take on talent recruitment and employer branding. In this study on the employer perspective of talent acquisition, Universum delves into the world of employer preferences on talent attributes, the state of employer branding to the development of brand activation… and looks at the trends five years ahead. Who is in charge? Who owns employer branding? CEOs  seem to think they are accountable, whereas HR say they are in charge. There is clearly more collaboration needed within organisations, ranging from HR to employer branding managers to marketing and ultimately the CEO. Unsurprisingly, everyone apart from the CEO thinks there is a need for closer cooperation. What will change over five years? The biggest changes for the next five years appear to be a greater focus on long-term thinking and a greater interest in building an employer brand on a global level. There is however, no clear consensus on what matters the most, although employee retention seems to be less interesting for the respondents. EVPS are still not pervasive Most (61%) companies have an Employer Value Proposition (EVP) but it doesnt seem to be well circulated within organisations and CEOs barely even know it exists. What gets measured? The top three KPIs in use today are all inward-facing and include average retention rate, new hire quality and employee engagement level. External indicators such as rankings and brand perceptions were not prominent in this survey results. Social media is the #1  digital channel Social media appears to be the most important employer branding channel, tightly followed by career websites and then job boards, employer ads, career guidance websites and targeted messaging. If we look into the next five years, social media is poised to grow even further with 70% of respondents indicating a bigger focus on it. This is in spite of the fact that only half of the respondents are actually measuring the success of social activity. RELATED:  How Employers Use Social Media for Talent Attraction in 2015 Will consumer and employer brands merge? It appears that most respondents see their employer and consumer brands being more tightly connected over the next five years. This will require much closer cooperation among stakeholders in particular, inviting marketing to be more influential  player in brand strategy.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

5 random skills uni life teaches you that are perfect for an HR graduate job

5 random skills uni life teaches you that are perfect for an HR graduate job There are lots of things that university teaches you outside of what you learn during your lectures, seminars and contact hours. How to make £17 stretch until your next maintenance loan drops, for instance. Or how to make a square meal using only spare cereal, instant noodles and everything in your fridge thats nearing its expiration date. These are skills you will inevitably need in later life, and many of them also prepare you quite handily for the world of work. If youre the glue the holds your student house together, the star of the seminar, or the belle of your society, you may want to consider an HR graduate job. If youre a people person, its an awesome place to start your career, with all kinds of places you can continue on to later. And the best part is, you already have a natural aptitude for it. Let us explain. Decision making People defer to you when its time to choose a week night to go out. You pick the restaurant, the pre-drinks playlist   and the house Netflix series.   And you know why? Because youre a safe pair of hands that always gets it right. Thats precisely the kind of person that is needed in human resources. HR employees make lots of decisions for a company, ranging from who to hire to how to resolve a dispute between employees. So the kind of critical thinking you show at university is perfect for  weighing the pros and cons of an event, and then make a decision. Organisation By day, youre the beacon of your societys exec committee. By night, youre making a rota for the washing machine and alphabetising your pencil case. If youre even  half  as organised as this, youll thrive in an HR graduate job. Human resource employees handle lots of paperwork related to hiring, firing, and various employee benefits and attend lots of meetings.  Theyre the gatekeepers if you will. All this information can give you a brain-ache, so its important to stay on your toes and keep it and your schedule accessible and in order. Conflict resolution Youre the referee in the group chat and the first port of call when theres a kitchen dispute. You dont just make the law. You  are the law. Youll hear a number of conflicts between your fellow employees in an HR graduate job, and eventually youll learn how to resolve them. Negotiation and mediation are the key here. Just like when your friends disagree, you need to listen to both sides if you hope to resolve the issue in a respectful and appropriate way. Communication skills You really cant get way with not being a good communicator at university, nor can you in the heady world of human resources. Whether its your lecturers, your group project buddies or your housemates, being clear and straight with them is good practice for the workplaces. Working in human resources means you will have to communicate effectively with people from the top of a company right to bottom and everywhere in between. That includes verbally and in writing, while also being a good listener. Youre going to be the first port of call when it comes to company policy. Other than that, youll need strong communication skills to conduct interviews and give presentations. But after honing your interpersonal skills by making impassioned speeches to your housemates on which is the best Stranger Things kid, itll be a breeze trust us. Self reliance University is the time when people stop doing things for you and you have to learn to do it yourself. If you relish that autonomy and youre able to maintain your quality of life at university by staying organised, youll take to HR like a duck to water. Human Resources is all about self-starters and positive people who take the initiative to solve problems. Its a tough job, but its hella rewarding and the skills you already have from university will see you off to a great start. Connect with Debut on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn for more careers insights.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Get Hired in San Antonio With This Job Search Guide

Get Hired in San Antonio With This Job Search Guide San Antonio is a wonderful family town. It’s big enough to have everything you need but still has a small town feel where ‘everybody knows your name’. San Antonio has many places to visit such as the Alamo or the Natural Bridge Caverns. You can take a stroll on the River Walk or head over to Sea World. This is great news for a job seeker because where there is success there are jobs! Hospitality is only one industry that you could possible break into in San Antonio. As with all places, I can only assume that many people who live there, never go to their citys tourist attractions! To give you a better break down of what you can expect from this great city, here are the top industries from the Book of Lists 2015: 17.4% Trade, Transportation and Utilities, 17% Government, 13.8% Education and Health Services, and 13.4% Professional and Business Services. Strong and steady ought to summarize nicely what this city has to offer along with around the year warm weather! So here are three steps that can help your San Antonio job search. Expand your network So much of the job search these days is whom you know. In towns like these back in the old days it probably went something like this: place an ad in the paper and head into town in your best suit to inquire about the posting in the newspaper. In the age of technology, it still works like this, it’s just that instead of ‘going to town’ to talk you meet online. LinkedIn is still your best resource, if you are not already plugged in. Think of it as a research tool instead of a way of being found out. You can use it for both, but utilizing tools such as ‘following companies’, ‘find alumni tool’, or ‘joining groups’ can offer a nice replacement to physically needing to come into town to talk with someone about a specific job. Here are a couple of groups and company information pages I found to help you get started: HEB â€" headquartered in San Antonio USAA â€" headquartered in San Antonio LinkedIn Groups â€" Type in your area of skills and San Antonio to see if there are chapters in your area of expertise Get leads through job sites I would not recommend spending too much time applying to jobs online without having some sort of connection. However, searching job postings can give you an idea or lead to open positions. Here are a few sites that you can browse. Before you actually submit an application, research the company on LinkedIn and start following, reach out and connect with potential connections by looking them up on the company site. By sending an email, you can ensure a better response return than merely applying to a job posting online. Many people shy away from this, however, a nicely drafted email showing interest can help your name standout. Plus, what do you have to lose? Snag a Job Indeed City of San Antonio Education Jobs in San Antonio Research the San Antonio To wrap up and make your San Antonio job search that much easier, here are a few other sites that feature employment opportunities in San Antonio. Research helps arm you with credibility. When you know a lot about the city you are relocating to, it shows strong interest in a lifestyle, not just a job, which can impress your new employer. It shows you have done your homework and builds a common ground. After all, the people you will be talking with chose San Antonio as well. Whenever you can drop information that you have picked up along the way, the more connections you are building. Best of luck with your job search! If you feel that you need a little help with your job search please consider contacting a San Antonio career coach.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Job Search - Make Your Career Change

Job Search - Make Your Career ChangeAre you concerned that your job search is not yet successful? Are you worried about getting a good job because of the bad economy? If you are, then you should take a look at the amazing career change services that are on the market today.Resume writing services are a great way to network and get your resume out there. If you have already landed a job and have other jobs in mind, these services can help you out. These companies will ensure that your resume gets seen by the right people and that it gets considered for a good job. If you are looking for something that you can do on your own, then don't worry about it.You want to keep all the people that you meet while looking for a job in your life forever. That is why you want to give them a head start on you so that they have a chance to work with you. You can submit your resume to different companies and they will provide you with a list of choices. You will be provided with a few opportunities to see which of these offers you would like to accept.Now, if you are having a bad job search, you need to learn how to improve the situation. There are some things that you can do on your own to really turn things around. Get yourself a resume writing service to help you get your career off to a good start.The first thing that you can do to start your job search off is to contact people. Ask them to look you up on the internet and send you an email about you. It's not a bad idea to ask for an interview or two. At this point, you should be meeting with some of the people that you have met, so you will be able to find out if you can really work well together.If you are successful at finding a job and at this point you are making some money, you will most likely be laid off again. Since you have been laying off, it makes sense to keep going. This is your time to really make your career change and if you are able to do it, it is a huge difference.It will be hard, but you will be able to a ccomplish it because you have some experience and you know what to expect. You can tell them that you had success with a job search and the business needs to know that. They will want to give you another chance because of what you did and you can take it from there.